Culture is a party of life or identity of human being every where around the world
But in Zanzibar as an island most of the time their culture it related in their Religious because 99 percents of the living peoples are Muslims, their major role of culture aspect for women of Zanzibar to cover their body except face and their hands due to the Islamic regulation all women ought to wearing Hijab (nikab)
According to the believer and different scholars of those terms either born in Zanzibar or missionaries from beyond of the bounder believe that Zanzibar is among of the part in East African Countries which effected with Arabian culture. Due to the Muslim rule it can’t allow women to go out of their house without covering their head fore a special gab it known as HIJAB, this is a rule of Islamic around world and every Muslim women should obey this law.
We ought to agree that the word Hijab, it core from in Middle East. Either hijab is the seclusion of women commanded directly from the whole Qur’an the sacred scripture of Islam. Hijab also refers to the modest covering dress that Muslim women wear when they are outside their homes or in the presence of men not closely related to them.
Even though, Hijab is a special dressing for Muslim women around the world but in Zanzibar most of the women try to categorized hijab in deferent names like Kizoro, Barkoa, Bamita, Ninja and now it known as Nikab. Though when you check the uses some time it look like the same but in term reality are quit different in term of religious belief
According to Mr.Farouk Abdela Artist of Zanzibar say that
“For my thinking I don’t think that for women to wearing Barkoa or Nikab is a party of parcel of Muslim regulation, but I think most of the people lack of enough knowledge for the thing that they do, because most of them are effected with foreign culture that all”.
Mr Abdela noted that most of the women in Zanzibar who wearing nikab is nothing in term of religious but they wearing for their own business. Either Mr Abdela add that when he look the women of Zanzibar that who wearing nikab there is nothing but most of them did as a fashion .Though Mr.Abdela explain that some of the women who use hijab(nikab) as a tool of doing evil thing like robbery etc. Either Mr.Abdela say that
“I remember before revolutionary of Zanzibar 1964, most of the black women in Zanzibar cant wearing barkoa or kizoro because this dress it was especially for king family not for every one but not it look like fashion show, because they know nothing about this”.
Not only that but also most of the young women in Zanzibar they never differentiate between hijab and other dresses like barkoa, nikab , ninja, bamita etc due to their believe and comparison that they have in their mind, but in term of Islamic role there is nothing about nikab, barkoa, ninja, kizoro or bamita, because this term it came for some uses profit. Even though the word NINJA originated in Japan it means that is a group of mercenaries in feudal Japan who were trained in stealth and the martial arts and employed as spies etc.
Not only that but also Ninja is Martial Arts, various kinds of fighting arts, with or without weapons, most of which originated in East Asia. Martial arts are now practiced throughout the world. About 100 million people participate in the martial arts as a means of self-defense, physical fitness, mental tranquility, and competition. There are about 200 distinct martial arts, and within each one are specific schools called styles or systems. These styles number in the thousands.
We ought to understand that hijab and barkoa is a two major aspect which differ in term of culture and Islamic belief due to the explanation of Islamic religious and their perspective, not only that but to wearing nikab is not a part of parcel of real culture of Zanzibar or Muslim perspective.
Either Ms.Saphia Ngalapi B.A on Gender Issues and Development explained that for those women who wearing nikab is nothing in term of religious but they try to imitated from some where but it isn’t a part of Zanzibaries culture not only culture but the even in the rule of Isalamic there is no verse which say women should cover their face but people try to make it as part of hijab.
Even though Ms.Ngalapi explained that hijab for Muslim women are very important because it shows the obedient of their lord as human being and also hijab is not bed women Muslim, because hijab it makes every man to respect women and also it reduced seduced for same hour.Nevertheless, Ms.Ngalapi noted that there is high concept for those women who wearing nikab or same peoples call kizoro is a just a way to hide some women or man who did bad thing like criminal and verse vas. Either Ms. Ngalapi added that
“you know some peoples who pretend to be as a real Muslim for wearing nikab for think that it is a real hijab, but they are wrong because they are not pure Muslim is just an actress because they have their ambitious for doing wrong thing for covering their face the purpose without know the different between hijab and nikab as a new fashion for them selves”.
Probably when you look those name it look like the same but in reality it differ due to the time and needed of human being in term of developing of science and technology. We ought to understand that there some courtiers mostly those countries they have desert like Libya, Sudan etc those peoples who living in this area they supposed to cover their face for the purpose of protected their noise with a dust within their areas

